Wednesday, June 19, 2013

EuroHealth Spa Testimonials

"Sylvia's knowledge and assistance with a major chronic sinus problem has made a significant difference in my life. I had studied supplements and alternative medicine modalities for over 20 years yet was still unable to come to terms with the chronic sinusitis condition that had worn me down since 2003. Dozen of suppements would help reduce the pain but it would return. Trips to the ENT doctors at Kaiser led to more antibiotics which were good in the short run, however, the pain, disorientation, lack of energy, stress, and inability to fully concentrate continued to follow me, interfering with my ability to work and fully enjoy my life.
Syvia's treatment for this condition started in the summer of 2010 when I visited her practice after attending her orientation on sinus afflictions at the People's Market. The impact that she made upon my getting control of the problem and educating me in how to keep it under control has been key in my improving my life and my ability to continue with my career in sales. She has been a huge 'missing piece' of my problem and her knowledge has been critical.
The treatment that she gave me allowed the amelioration of my pain within the next two days. I clearly remember how it felt to wake up without the pressure in my cheeks. It's easy to see how good life can be without chronic pain.
Since that treatment I have come back to see Syvia once more as my sinusitis is always susceptible to re-trigger based on foods that I eat, stress levels, and other factors. However, with the information that Sylvia has armed me with, I am able to more fully understand exactly what is going on within the 5 facial sinus cavities and how they can become clogged. More importantly, she has taught me how to release these toxins on my own.
Sylvia's knowledge in this field is extremely valuable as most doctors will not address the severity of the problems and want to simply prescribe drugs to counteract. I have met three different inividuals, in fact, who have tried surgery to reduce the pain with no long-term positive effects except frustration and loss of money. It takes much, much more than this. Sylvia's experience in treating and releasing pain in this very sensitive area is a much-needed service. it is understated yet very valuable."
Richard Orloff
San Diego, California

"As a breast cancer survivor, I attribute three factors to my recovery from this horrible disease: My faith and trust in God; the love and care of family and friends; and the combining of traditional and alternative medicine. I believe that God placed angels in my path during this difficult time to assist me in many ways; one of which was in making appropriate healthcare decisions throughout my treatment of cancer. Sylvia Lomota, Herbalist and founder of Sylvia Euro Therapy, became that angel for me.
I was most impressed with Sylvia's extensive background and knowledge of herbs, diet and nutrition, and the human anatomy. She was extremely warm and friendly and I sensed a deep spirituality that comforted me. From that moment on I knew that Sylvia would play a significant role in my journey to recovery.
Sylvia Lomota-Flanagan became an angel for me. When I first met Sylvia, I had undergone both chemotherapy and radiation and had a compromised immune system. At that point, I was wondering whether or not I would be able to continue to work in my weakened condition.
After consultation, she recommended her Powerful Minerals (my body had been completely stripped of minerals from chemotherapy) which strengthened the bone marrow and thus improved my immune system. Brain Power, which helps to stimulate the brain cells and repair damage caused by free radicals, was another important part of my regimen.
It has been almost three years since I started with Sylvia's regimen, and I feel stronger than ever. I have a high level of energy and much improved immune system. I am now back to my regular exercise program and have implemented the diet and nutrition plan personalized for me by Sylvia. Currently, I am on a lifelong maintenance program using the above mentioned products as well as her natural Hormonal Balance and Pine Extract for the lungs.
I know that Sylvia has enhanced the quality of my life, and I will be eternally grateful. It is without hesitation that I recommend Sylvia to others with health related issues, and those interested in sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Thank you."
Casandra Country
San Diego, California

"I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to you for restoring my physical, emotional, and mental health. Against all of my beliefs, I resorted to antidepressant drugs and sleeping pills. All they did was to mask my symptoms. I continued with that course of treatment for a period of seven months and then decided I needed to find another solution. I was experiencing side effects from the drugs, and I knew that over a period of time they can be very harmful to the body. After just two weeks on your powerful minerals, brain power and sinus-mucousless immunity, I began to feel a significant positive difference in my health.
Your organically grown and wild herbs, proprietary formulated, have helped me to reach optimum health. I feel the best I've ever felt! I can't say enough about your products and what they have done for me. The treatment you provide is a total package including massage, yoga/meditation, herbal therapy, diet guidelines and emotional support. You truly care about people and that is exhibited in the way you care for your customers.
To summarize, I know that I will continue to use your products because I truly feel the benefits. Yoga/meditation will now always be a part of my daily exercise routine because you have shown me how it relieves stress and enriches my life. I will continue to expound on the amazing results I have experienced using your products and will recommend the products and your treatment to the people I encounter in my life. "
Patricia A. Spire
San Diego, California
"I cannot begin to thank you enough for the difference you have made to my skin. I have been using your skincare products for over two months now and am absolutely delighted with the results. I noticed a difference myself after the first week - my blemishes had calmed down and the fine lines around my eyes and mouth had smoothed out.
The biggest boost for me was when my boyfriend Ty said to me a month after I came to see you "Wow you look beautiful, your skin's all cleared up." That compliment was worth every penny! Now, although I still get the occasional spot, my skin seems to be quicker at healing and it definitely feels and looks more lush. I have a healthy glow and I rarely need to wear make-up, which I used to do all the time! I believe your products are tremendous value for money. They produce results, real visible results. And they are so pure that I only need to use a tiny amount - I am amazed at how long they are going to last.
Also, I'd like to compliment you on your aftercare service. Coming to visit me in my home a week after my appointment with you was much appreciated. And I know you really care by your regular contact. Looking young and vibrant is very important to me - thank you again for helping me to achieve my goal!
I wish you continued success with your range of products, I would recommend them to anyone."
Mairi Kinnaird
San Diego, California

"I met Sylvia by chance when I was in extreme stress and wanted a massage. When Sylvia saw me, she immediately felt my despair, saw right through me and said "you don't need a massage, you need to be healed. I can help you." I will always remember those words... I knew right way I was in good hands. My first session lasted 3 hrs because my body was such in distressed and needed a lot of work. I was unaware I was literally suffocating myself. Sylvia brought me to life by teaching me breathing relaxation techniques, by giving me cranial/spinal therapy, specific stretching, a powerful cocktail of pure minerals and plants, and many other things but most of all I received LOVE and compassion. Within a month I saw my mental and physical health improve dramatically. I can now breathe peacefully, I have more energy than ever and I regained peace within myself. Sylvia is a wonderful human being and an outstanding therapist who has a rare gift that makes her so unique; she has the power to transfer LOVE with great energy and if you are receptive to it you can overcome anything in life."
Nathalie Torline
"I am an actress, professional model, and entrepreneur. When I stared my crystal healing journey with Sylia my head was clouded, I was overwhelmed from work and I was lacking all the right nutrients to keep myself afloat. After the first session with Sylvia I felt an amazing difference. I was hooked. Sylvia recommended which vitamins and supplements I should be taking and every question I had was always answered.
My intuition has grown so much since I have started working with Sylvia and the best part about her is the fact that she has gained such a close relationship with me. She is always on call whenever I need her. She has always invited me to learn more and more about my own spiritual awareness. Her knowledge of intuition and of psychic development is extremely abundant and I trust her answers to my questions about my own journey.
Sylvia truly is a teacher. I would recommend her for any person who wants to grow further in their intuition development as well as anyone who feels that they need spiritual healing. She will not only teach you how to get back on the right path spiritually but physically a well. My mind slowly cleared up and I truly did feel more and more connected with myself. My energy felt revitalized, and not only that, but I felt healthier and started to want to become healthier. I believe that Syvia is a blessing to have in my life and has been a positive influence for my mind, body and soul."
Erika Fernandez

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